Compound your Capital With Our Services

Discover investing from different plans, risk levels & strategies and invest with in our profitable trading strategies. A complete product kit, built just for you.


Market with winning strategy with our Do It Yourself Model.
or Rs. 64,999* billed annually
  • Uncover the best way to create your second source of income from Stock Market with winning strategy with our Do It Yourself Model.
  • Trade Banknifty in Just 5 Mins A Day.
  • Our Strategy stresses the importance of a disciplined, consistent methodology, with stringent risk controls, that allows you to catch big trends while limiting losses on unprofitable trades.


One stop access point for all things related to automated trading.
monthly or
Rs. 99,999* billed annually
  • One stop access point for all things related to automated trading.
  • Use FINVANTRA proprietary strategies with verified returns, set auto execution and sit stress free.
  • We run strategies such as All Weather Regular Income Strategy, Trend Following Strategy and Weekly Expiry Strategy to take advantage of volatility in the short-term.
  • Minimum Req. Capital
    Rs. 10,00,000/-
Best Offer


A complete customised basket of strategies with performance based fee
Performance Fee
  • A complete customised basket of strategies with performance based fee.
  • FINVANTRA aims to disrupt the market by adopting a zero upfront fee and only profit-sharing model
  • Our customized suite of services will help you plan and structure your capital for growth & diversification.
  • Minimum Req. Capital
    Rs. 50,00,000